Data shredders

pretix and it’s plugins include a number of data shredders that allow you to clear personal information from the system. This page shows you how to use these shredders through the API.

Changed in version 4.12: This feature has been added to the API.


Unlike the user interface, the API will not force you to download tax-relevant data before you delete it.

Listing available shredders

GET /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/shredders/

Returns a list of all exporters shredders for a given event.

Example request:

GET /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/shredders/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, text/javascript

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "identifier": "question_answers",
      "verbose_name": "Answers to questions"
Query Parameters
  • page (integer) – The page number in case of a multi-page result set, default is 1

  • organizer – The slug field of the organizer to fetch

  • event – The slug field of the event to fetch

Status Codes
  • 200 OK – no error

  • 401 Unauthorized – Authentication failure

  • 403 Forbidden – The requested organizer/event does not exist or you have no permission to view this resource.

Running an export

Before you can delete data, you need to start a data export. Since exports often include large data sets, they might take longer than the duration of an HTTP request. Therefore, creating an export is a two-step process. First you need to start an export task with one of the following to API endpoints:

POST /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/shredders/export/

Starts an export task. If your input parameters validate correctly, a 202 Accepted status code is returned. The body points you to the download URL of the result as well as the URL for the next step.

Example request:

POST /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/shredders/export/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Content-Type: application/json

  "shredders": ["question_answers"]

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "download": "",
  "shred": ""
  • organizer – The slug field of the organizer to fetch

  • event – The slug field of the event to fetch

  • identifier – The identifier field of the exporter to run

Status Codes

Downloading the result

When starting an export, you receive a download URL for downloading the result. Running a GET request on that result will yield one of the following status codes:

  • 200 OK – The export succeeded. The body will be your resulting file. Might be large!

  • 409 Conflict – Your export is still running. The body will be JSON with the structure {"status": "running"}. status can be waiting before the task is actually being processed. Please retry, but wait at least one second before you do.

  • 410 Gone – Running the export has failed permanently. The body will be JSON with the structure {"status": "failed", "message": "Error message"}

  • 404 Not Found – The export does not exist / is expired / belongs to a different API key.

Shredding the data

When starting an export, you receive a shred URL for actually shredding the data. You can only start the actual shredding process after the export file was generated, however you are not forced to download the file (we’d recommend it in most cases, though). The download will no longer be possible after the shredding. Since shredding often requires deleting large data sets, it might take longer than the duration of an HTTP request. Therefore, shredding again is a two-step process. First you need to start a shredder task with one of the following to API endpoints:

POST /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/shredders/shred/(id1)/(id2)/

Starts an export task. If your input parameters validate correctly, a 202 Accepted status code is returned. The body points you to an URL you can use to check the status.

Example request:

POST /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/shredders/shred/29891ede-196f-4942-9e26-d055a36e98b8/3f279f13-c198-4137-b49b-9b360ce9fcce/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, text/javascript

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "status": ""
  • organizer – The slug field of the organizer to fetch

  • event – The slug field of the event to fetch

  • id1 – Opaque value given to you in the previous response

  • id2 – Opaque value given to you in the previous response

Status Codes
  • 202 Accepted – no error

  • 400 Bad Request – Invalid input options

  • 401 Unauthorized – Authentication failure

  • 404 Not Found – The export does not exist / is expired / belongs to a different API key.

  • 403 Forbidden – The requested organizer/event does not exist or you have no permission to view this resource.

  • 409 Conflict – Your export is still running. The body will be JSON with the structure {"status": "running"}. status can be waiting before the task is actually being processed. Please retry, but wait at least one second before you do.

  • 410 Gone – Either the job has timed out or running the export has failed permanently. The body will be JSON with the structure {"status": "failed", "message": "Error message"}

Checking the result

When starting to shred, you receive a status URL for checking for success. Running a GET request on that result will yield one of the following status codes:

  • 200 OK – The shredding succeeded.

  • 409 Conflict – Shredding is still running. The body will be JSON with the structure {"status": "running"}. status can be waiting before the task is actually being processed. Please retry, but wait at least one second before you do.

  • 410 Gone – We no longer know about this process, probably the process was started more than an hour ago. Might also occur after successful operations on small pretix installations without asynchronous task handling.

  • 417 Expectation Failed – Running the export has failed permanently. The body will be JSON with the structure {"status": "failed", "message": "Error message"}